Monday, February 7, 2011

search for the truth, please help. .. . . .

So I have one hypothesis on why I feel the need to define, or create boundaries for what is called art . .I think my insecurities in my ability to be excepted in the world of art based on my creations create in me the desire to box in "art" then barbed wire the fencing so as to do everything I can to keep that out which I determine doesn't meet the existing criteria .. . . that once again was only created by me. .
to those who can read, and write, I'd love to know what you think, not only on my hypothesis, but any theories you may have are welcome. .. and if you can read or write but still want in on the conversation perhaps you can get a friend to help you out .. ?
critiques welcome ( smiley face )


  1. That’s an interesting theory, maybe the reluctance to excepted ceramics into the art world stems from insecurities about their work. I.e. if I’m not sure what I make is art then what that guy makes is definitely not art.

  2. Some of what I was trying to say in my other post was that everyone will have their own definition of art so "art" doesn't always mean the same thing. I do not know why you feel that you must come up with some definition of what art is, because in the end, you may be the only one that agrees with that definition. What I think you should do is make your work and not worry about defining art. What I think you should do instead, is pick a few pieces of art that you consider on the edge or not art at all, and try and figure out why others would consider that to be art. Maybe this will help? I'm interested in continuing this discussion if you like and you should look at Judith Schaecter's blog as she has some good things to say about this and the relationship between art and craft.

    I am curious though, since you say you feel unaccepted by the "art world," do you fit into your criteria of art?

  3. I think art is whatever people claim it to be, it's definition is ever-changing. An artist is one who gets others to believe that whatever he/she produces is in fact art. He who get the most people to buy into his crap is the best artist. So stop worrying about it and start working on your sales pitch...

    Did that help?
