Thursday, February 24, 2011

To all you who view ART!! Beware of your filters!

As I have tried to tackle this intense assignment to blog . .on a regular basis and the fact that if people have to read this and I am going to be taking up their time than out of respect for them I should at least post something that shows some cognitive depth I find myself drawn to conversations which includes passion, or at least supported opinions. almost like a tiny particle of iron is somehow some way sucked with such amazingly natural, and to the particle itself unexplained, power to a magnet through the sand I to have been drawn to these conversations based on, or around the creation of, the evaluation of, the concept of, and the appreciation or ART.

Jason Thompson, blew my mind the other day with his response to my inquiry of how his trip to "the NYC art scene" went with " I hate video art," and "90 percent of video art is S#*T!"  And yes, I immediately jumped to the defense of art ( to some surprise I know, but we're getting to that) by questioning the foundation of his attack. After a while of conversing and seeing some examples from him of the minimal video art that is acceptable, I came to the conclusion that as much video art as Jason has seen, it has been enough to taint him for who knows how long toward video art. which got me to thinking about the Filter, as shade that he will be viewing art through as a result of these brief experiences with video art. Isn't that nuts how he now has this filter that might actually start to spread into other medias in the art world. . .Thank you Jason for helping me realize what everyone else has already realized, that we all have so many filters that we bring to the viewing, excepting, enjoying, and the creating of art, and that these filters will be there until we make a conscious effort to find out what ours are, how they got there, if we except them and leave them in place or if we decide changes need to be made. I feel that I have really grown, or matured (arguably) in my approach to the viewing and excepting of art. My filter was brought to my attention by Linda Cordell,(insert website here!) when during our first class maybe 2 years ago I explained that I hated art. And she broke it to me that I needed to take the filter out, change my perspective by saying that I should find one good thing in each piece, or something I liked in each work of art. I can now say that I like more art then I did before, and even though the filter may not be gone, it has a lot less of an effect.

Jason wasn't the only person who was disappointed with the work seen in what they called the "best" galleries, or the work was was supposed to be the best of the best, in these galleries. My thoughts went to why these sculpture students were so disappointed. What were they judging this "best" work against, or what filters were they viewing this work through. I started putting together a list of possible filters, and here are some of the possible ones we use. .
Jealous filter .                    does jelousy come into play when viewing art .. .
Envious Filters. .
Prideful, or sort of a pecking order Filter...
then I started thinking about others, including myself and some other filters that might be in place . .
religious filters . .
cultural filters .  .  are you more willing to like or dislike certain art works based on your, or the creators culture
arrogant filters.
academic filters . .
fearful filters. .
and then I  thought, why do all these sound negative. . .in the sense that they are resulting in our lack of acceptance of the work. . so what about people that have filters that work the other way, brighteners, you know when you were a kid, trying to be all "cool" and stuff, so you wore some yellow or orange sunglasses that actually brightened everything (not that I ever did .. .OK you got me!) . . you know an enhancer filter . .or
acceptance. . .
or naivety . .
lack or self esteem ( so everything better than yours)
or a poor self image .. .
any kind of emotional or personal baggage becomes a filter . . .
some of these filters go both ways. . good and bad, excepting and shunning of art work ..  .
if we can somehow remove ourselves from these filters . . like the spirit leaving the body at death( for those believers) or like Jason removes his hair with a razor every morning (for the non-believers) we would have an unadulterated view of the work before us. .
   I know this counteracts what this whole blog has been about, but the opinions we form are filters as well. . . and if we didn't have opinions would we react to, or engage with any art at all ? so . .are the filters nessasary ?


  1. that post took me a week or so to get out, and i know it needs editing, but it should count for 2 !!

  2. I think I understand your concern about Jason’s statement toward video art. If someone says that 90% of something is crap then one would expect the he or she would have knowledge of at lest 90% of that something. In this case you state that Jason has had only “brief experiences with video art” therefore his opinion is only based on that limited understanding. If I understand correctly you concluded that Jason now views all video art with a predetermined “crap filter” and that it is a bad thing because he has not given video art in its entirety a chance. My question to you is why would you expect people to be open-minded about something that they have already decided is crap? How much poo do you want people to eat before you’ll except that they might not like eating poo and it does not matter if its dog poo, kangaroo poo, or poo with sugar on top it’s still poo and some people don’t like to eat it.
    These filters as you call them are based on people’s life choices and experiences. They are what form the individual. To remove these filters would create a state worse than death; it would be a state of nonexistence. So yes I think they are very necessary.

  3. maybe he thinks its crap since he doesn't make video art? maybe he doesn't understand it. when we went to the cleveland museum you said something to me in regards to 'not just getting this stuff' and that you didn't enjoy looking at it....does that relate to his feelings of video art is crap?

  4. The best we can do is realize what filters/biases/opinions we have. We all bring baggage to viewing art. I hate to hear that an entire form of media(such as video) can be discounted especially by an art student. Even in response to Deric's "poo" analogy- there is a prized coffee bean that has passed through a monkey-the ride thru it's digestive track is rumored to create an amazing cup of coffee (give poo a chance!) Are filters necessary-probably. If they didn't exist there'd be no wall to bounce off of. Can we not have any filters-NO

  5. I think I have "brightener" filters. I kind of prefer it that way, though... none of Heath's explanations of the rose colored glasses sounds that great - maybe I'm a little naive? hmmm...

    I would drink coffee from a monkey's butt.

    I'm also really disappointed with the sculpture's students' report of the NYC trip. I'll find out the hard way this weekend... test don't guess!

    Video art always captivated me - I think it's the surveillance thing. It also seems vaguely acceptable to fall asleep. Remember the video at the warhol of the drag queen eating a banana? I loved the installation of that room!
