Friday, February 4, 2011


So what isn't Art?
You know the same old debate about what is art .. .perhaps, to those whom time I'm not wasting, we could define what art is by identifying what art isn't.  . here are a few examples of things walking the line. what do you think?

is there a difference between making art, and just making something cool .. . .
trying to make art, and actually MAKING art?
when does something actualy BECOME art . . .?


  1. I don’t know about you, but I’d pay big bucks for Lego lady.

  2. what art are you talking about?? little "a" art or big A...Art?!

  3. how can you even ask that question about "Michael and Bubbles"!?

  4. I agree with Linda! (unless of course she is joking...) Why does everyone at Edinboro have a problem with Jeff Koons??

    Anyway, I think you should take a Postmodern Art History class sometime, or maybe just read some books on postmodern theory. Did you take the contemporary art theory class this semester? If you come at it from that perspective, the definition of art is "pluralistic," meaning art has multiple, different definitions. There is no singular definition for what art means or is, and I think in the end it is a personal decision for everyone as to what they believe art to be.

  5. anything that requires glue and glitter is art.
